Getting Ready for a Move 

As the end of April approaches, many people in Ottawa are preparing to move. Whether you bought or sold in the busy spring market, it’s time to start packing! Packing is often everyone’s least favourite task in the moving process but just remember, there is a light at the end of the tunnel; before you know it you will be in your new home! Here are some helpful hints to guide you as you prepare for closing day.

Start Now!

Even if your move is not for a few months, and it may seem difficult to start, the more you can get done ahead of time, the better! Try to set goals for yourself and pack a few boxes everyday. Start with things that you won’t be needing anytime soon like your winter jacket or other seasonal items. Getting started is often the hardest step when it comes to packing and you will feel much better once you have a few things taken care of!

Get Proper Supplies

Take a trip to the local building supply store or contact your mover to get proper supplies. Proper moving boxes, packing tape, a tape gun, and packing paper can make the whole process so much easier. Make sure that you get a variety of boxes to fit a variety of items. It may be tempting to check the dumpsters behind local stores but mismatched boxes can be difficult to stack and they are often not the right size for the job.

Label Boxes and Keep Them Organized

Although you will inevitably end up with a few boxes of odds and ends at the end, try to make sure that the majority of your boxes are organized and labeled. If you pack room by room, this is actually an easy process. Make sure that all boxes are clearly labeled as to where they will be going in your new home; this will ensure that the movers, or those helping you move if you choose to do it yourself, know where things are supposed to go.

Watch your Weight (of your boxes at least!)

It may be tempting to pack all your books together in that one giant box as they would fit perfectly, right? If you do this, you will end up with a box that even the strongest mover will give you dirty looks about. It’s always best to either pack books with other lighter items (books on the bottom with throw pillows on top, for example) or to use smaller boxes. Believe us, your back or your mover will thank you!

Moving with Kids?

As adults we can definitely deal with the chaos of moving and living a more minimalist life as things get packed away but the same is often not true for children, especially if they are young. To ensure a smooth transition, you will want to pack their stuff last and unpack it first when you get to your new home. Also, as you are packing boxes anywhere in the home, make sure that they are left in an area where young children don’t have access as stacks of boxes can be dangerous if they were to topple over. It takes some careful planning if you have children but, if done correctly, moving and packing can be fun for the whole family!

Plan for the Last Minute Items

There are certain things that you will not be able to pack until the day or your move. Make sure to keep track of these items and ensure that you know where they end up packed so that you can find them when you arrive at your new home. You may also want to consider packing a few boxes of the absolute necessities that you can take in your own vehicle. This would include medications that you may or will need to take, food items, and valuables.

Stay Positive

Although the packing and moving process may seem overwhelming, if you are organized and start early, it won’t be so bad. And when it gets tough, take a moment to picture yourself in your new home and remember that there is a great reason for what you are doing.